viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Bachatas de Aventura

The group of Aventura was creater on  the  year of 1999 on the city of  Nueva York. Even though the integrators of Aventura resident in the country of Bronx they effect  there firsts works mosicales on the city of Boston in the one lifs one contr community dominicana. There beginnings were very hard like all new group that search to realize there dreams of fame and fortune. This group of Bachata has obtain in short time climb levels of popularity they dirent suppose that not even by themselves their style musical and their youthful presence hav get attract the youth toward at rhythm Bachata. The style musical of Aventura is very original away that is totality different at ather bachateros. Like the members of this agrupation were criaters in the U.S.A their style musical hav been influenced by the rythms popularitis that it listening in the Norte America. 

The rhythms that we are takin about are hip-hop, reggae, pop, rock clasico end more this boys with there music break the ruls of the tradition bachata end they gave one touch youthful end modern their image is totaly different of the other ones there managed take mind wend beging the proyect of bachata olways hav been presented at the audience with topics of displeasure, disgust end bitterness but now aventura giv one toch youthful end international, thas way they are functioned at bachata with differet rhythms.
The dream of this group is tu get in places were the bachata it dosent jearing end they thing that with there style end work hard they can makent.
Something that can help them much is that they can speek  English like this they can get in easy with there musik in places  were people now this lenguaje. Other way something of this group fells proud is because people dirent liket this musik of bachata or they get emberesinga someone see them hearing bachata now we are fans of this group. 

They been maket giras much extning in the Citys in Europa end America Latina. They ben participay in importens musicals events like the festival Presidente de Musica Latina end El Aniversario of Santo Domingo invaint in the Radio City Music Hall end others events in the Madison Square Garden. The fame or this group has been aumented every day. Also this group has been lograt been nominated end wen importents.

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